Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There will Be Doves and flowers ALL OVER THIS BITCH!

Ok. So i like to troll around awesome blogs, and read awesome books and google awesome things when it come to this wedding. (for example, my own personal mecca, offbeat bride. look into it.) And i also liek to think, that Dave and I are a little more entertaining and unique than your average couple getting married. I mean, on a day that started out with me having a revenge margarita and buying mouthwash on the way to the Family Values tour, it ended with us buying metal rings at a 2 for $25 jewelry booth and Dave in no other words telling me we were getting married.

We are badass, dammit! And i think we are better and more creative than freaking doves, and eternity symbols that are actually hearts, or precious moments figurines... thats just not us. So i have been wracking my brain trying to come up with creative, cheap (and not chintzy) things that scream "DAVE AND LINDA! LOVE! AWESOMENESS! MARRIAGE! FAMILY! BABIES! HOOORAYYYY!!!!".

Which brings me to where I am at right now. Right now, I am googling pictures o vintage wrestling posters. You know, the one advertising the matches when the local shows were the big thing....with the pictures, the wrestler names and nicknames and exciting words and fun yayness. So I was showing Dave the pictures and he was like,"cool." "whatever." ...I will give him points for tearing himself away from his droid for 5 seconds, so that means he cared enough to do that. which was cool.

I asked him what he might want his wrestler nickname to be, because that is also cool, along the lines of "classy" freddie blassie, "the mach man" randy savage, "big sexy" kevin nash...and he seems to be the most uninterested person ever. man seriously?

i threatened precious moments and doves, and he said the words "fuck no." so, i'm counting that as input and thats the end of that.

I'm doing it myself and making up our own nicknames.

any ideas? MILF for me, and DIRTY for dave, are out.