Sunday, May 15, 2011

i wish it from myself.

So...less than 5 months....balls.

Anyway, as we do this im listening to songs on youtube trying to get inspirations for something...while printing out our save the dates...which are the most rad things ever.

Im listening to their version of "Do You Wanna Touch," which has nothnig to do with my intended purposes, but I am pretty sure I can fit it in somewhere.

There have been many distractions lately, which are probably not good. I need to drink more coffee at home, maybe then I'll get motivated to do save money. This wedding is swiftly approaching...

I just remembered that i forgot to put the wash in the dryer, i was so caught up in these STDs...

Having bridesmaids is nice, because it gives me the chance to spend some time with some of my fave ladies, whom I dont get to see as often as I'd like. That's the nice part of the wedding planning, being social for once!

I also have the "distraction" of Franny and Lorraine getting married this year, so I have their bachelorette parties, dresses, bridal showers...all of that good stuff to keep me on my game...kind of. This is all too much for a scatter brain like myself.

I should probably only do these blogs when I have something interesting to say. Unfortunately, when the interesting stuff happens...I am up to my eyeballs in wedding shit.

oh, crap, its midnite and i forgot to eat dinner. goodnight.

Friday, March 25, 2011

glue gun/stun gun...whatever.

This wedding is turning me into a bitchy, bitchy girllll....

I'm very "oh no you didn't, bitch..." about lots of things.

It's funny. And when i say things out loud, they sound TERRIBLE.


Anywho, worked on Save the Dates today with LeeAnn, they are probably gonna be rad as hell.

That's all.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

in case you were wondering...

Our registries are done!!!

But i didn't get to nerd out and zap things with lasers, I just did it all online.

We have 3 registries. It's a little much...but go with me on this. Pretty much everything we own is hand-me-down. So we have a Target registry, a Bed Bath & Beyond registry (click remotes were out of stock...darn!), and a registry. Cuz we wanna go on a vacation. So, if you dont want to get a gift, and you want us to go us take a honeymoon!

We have never been on vacation together, and it would be nice to just relax for a few days. The honeyfund is a site that you can go to, the gifts are $$$$ amounts, and it all goes in a fund towards our HONEYMOOOOON!!!! otherwise, we're probably gunna take a free room at harrahs for a night or 2....

Visit our honeyfund at, the free honeymoon registry

Monday, March 14, 2011

time flies when you're....?

So...coming up this week, Dave and I have lived together for four years. It's s weird to think that for most of my life I lived with my parents/dad, and for the last four years of my life, I have lived with a boy.
(what baffles me is he still doesn't get what things piss me off and when to put hte garbage out but whatever).

So much has happened in that 4 years! 5 months after moving in we got engaged, 5 months after that i got pregnant, 41 and a half weeks after that we had jack...It's all very surreal

And now here we months away from the day that will (then) be 5 years in teh making, if you count from when we started dating. I keep getting strange overwhelming feelings at random points in the day today. This time next year, I'll have more letter in my name. I'll be a "missus." So weird.

And what a coincidence my tax refund came in the mail today? It's like it's saying to me "Hey, you need to get the ball rolling, and I know JUST THE WAY to get the ball rolling....Also, Linda you have off tomorrow, so that day of nothing you have planned will now be chock full of bank visits, website perusing and "send payment" clickings. "
I also have to give Jacques a quarter of the estimated balance a month from today, I might just do it early cuz I clearly won't be rolling in dough for very long.

I need to check things off of the list. Maybe I'll schedule an engagement shoot (cuz its included!!!), and pay off most of the photography at Studio Phoenix.

See, now, I say this, and I sound ambitious....but if I do not take care of these things immediately, it won't get done. The point of having a long engagement was so that I could get stuff done early, so I/we (I) wouldn't stress about it later....and I am way behind on where I thought I'd be right now!!!

SO CONFLICTED! Whatever. I need to stop getting ahead of myself and prioritize.Finish list. Make save the dates. Send out save the dates. Order invitations. That's where we should be on the "schedule" of things.

I definitely need to buy new pants- for life, but more for work. my stuff has broken zippers and is about 2 sizes too big. I can't be all erroneous about things, i need to be adultish.Oh, and maybe buy some cute shoes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

like, 7 months to go....

and i think i might be freaking out.

I need to b r e a t h e and calm down, but i just crunched some numbers and it will be cutting it severely close, even for my bargain shopping ass.

Time to kick some balls.

I think i have to narrow the list down. again. sorry.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

we are less than a baby away...

Well everyone, yesterday was VDay, and that means we are less than 8 months away from having a lovefest.

I can't believe it's almost here! I can't believe that 3 and a half years ago, Dave and I were at that Korn concert, and I can't (can!) believe we got a little tipsy . And then went to look at vendors. And then bought matching rings...But what really blows my mind, is that he TOLD me that meant we were geting married.

Sometimes I think maybe I suckered him into it, baby aside (kidding!!!!)..But really, I was very "do it, you won't!" about it.

Nevertheless, whether I challenged him to it
("You can't just TELL me, you have to ASK me!!"), or he thought it was a great idea at the time, we wanted a long engagement because of our very short courtship beforehand. We knew what we wanted, but we didn't exactly need it just yet.

And now it's basically here. I remember thinking "You'll be over 30, and I'll be as old as you are now (27)!!! HAHAHA!!!!"...and now I'm in the middle of planning out outing for Dave's 31st birthday, and my 27th was this past January.

Sonofabitch, it's all coming along...

Let's take a look at what we have done, what we are doing, and WTF, shall we?

-WWdone: Dress is bought,hemmed, and paid for! It came with a jacket and purse, so theres that. And my veil is good to go as well. Jewelry is also a non issue. SWEET! No naked wedding nightmares.
*WTF- I ned my crinoline (!!!!!!), hose, garter and shoes.
-WWdoing?: googling LOTS OF STUFF.

-WWDone-Signed a photography contract.
-WWdoing- saving dough!
-WTF?!- still need to figure out a locale for photographs. Oh, and engagement sesh.

-WWdone- researched centerpieces.
-WTF?!- I should probably order those. Lots of glass.

-WWdone- Booked a band and DJ!
-WWdoing- gonig to see them in March
-WTF?!- I need to work on a playlist. I friggin hate most music a DJ would play, like, anything that came out in 2010.

WWdone- had a splendid idea about Save the Dates, and have spoken with a wonderful graphic artist about designing them.
WWdoing- notmuch
WTF?!- my dad is the worst at addresses and a list.

WWdone-found an inexpensive way to get fabulous invites
WWdoing- wording, designing, and waiting for the pastor to ok my time.

WWdone-booked jacques, like, forever ago.
WWdoing- scrimping and saving.
WTF- lots of money in April.WTF indeed.

And that's about the long and short of it. Again, we can't really afford something huge, so there are definitely a lot of people who we would love to invite, but we just can't.Just know that this process has been stressful and difficult...but we do plan on having some post-wedding festivities at the place where it all started <3.
(If you don't know where that is, t's Jackie Keelen's Bar) It may be odd to have wedding celebrations at a bar, but we feel welcome there and it is very much like a home. The family has been very good to us since we first met, and like i said- that's where we met! So it would make sense to get hammered at that bar about 5 years after we first met there.

So if we can't see you at the wedding, we better see you at the bar!!!!...Or at ComicCon on Saturday.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jeeze people, its just a wedding.

That title may be a tad misleading. Because clearly I'm going to be eyeballs deep in taffetta come October.

But people really do need to calm down about weddings. It's a celebration of love, and a formal commitment between two people, a declaration to the world what you already know in your hearts- that two people love each other. That they would die for the other, share the lives, fears, and dinners.

So when I see a moustachioed Bridezilla on TV treating her FH like garbage, screaming it's her day- I get annoyed. It's your day, and by YOUR day, I mean the collective you. It doesn't matter if one of your bridesmaids eyebrows aren't perfect, because guess what honey, you aren't perfect either. But some wackadoo DOES think you ARE perfect...''If I were you, I'd be worried that your walkalloverme groom shows up. Yousa cranky lady.

And I'm tired of certain righteous celebrities claiming that they will get married when "everyone" can. So, what you are saying is, you, as a perfectly perfect and rich couple who can afford the most lavish celebration of love, have the absolute right to get married, you won't? So you are just abusing your right to get or not to get married? That's cool. You'll probably get divorced soon after anyway. Meanwhile, a perfectly happy homosexual couple, who have been living together for years, and are just aching to gain the same legal rights that you are eligible for, sit at home wishing they had your opportunity.

The "institution" of marriage HAS, oddly enough, come a long way from the days of continuing lineage and trading daughters for cows. It's now a way where people can officially and legally share their lives, bank accounts, and healthcare. I also see it as an unbreakable contract between two people. "I love you, you love me, and we'll die deal. high five. (or kiss, whatever)."

So calm down, it's just a wedding. It's two people (or in my own case, a daddy, a mommy, and a tiny human) coming together as a family, one united front against the world.

and ps- i picked up my gown, and the entertainment is coming along nicely.thankyou.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

or is it this dancing juice?

Wellll the holidays are over, and SO MUCH HAS HAPPENEDDD....but my son just woke up from his name and said "I love you..."

So I'll have to blog later.