Wednesday, November 3, 2010

so i got my dress today, no big whoop.

OMFG if you believe that, than you dont know me at all.

After 3 trips to 3 different boutiques...I found my dress. =) I was having a tough time deciding between a few, and Laura @ ultimate fashions had me go through books. She was already calling Mary's Bridal to place an order for another bride, who is getting married at the end of the month...and getting her dress TODAY. Last minute much? Anyway....So she had me give her numbers of dresses I liked, so she could get me prices.

Again with the knowing me: IF you know me at all, you know i am NOT an extravagant person I don't like to try things on. It's an annoying waste of time. I usually have an idea of what i like/want, find the one most similar/most on sale...and go with that.

But you can't do that with bridal gowns. And now, all of a sudden...the girl that HATEEEESSSSS spending money is getting dirty looks when she tells people she'd like a dress UNDER $900. REALLY?!?!?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN DO WITH $900?!?!?! i could redo my wardrobe, pay some bills, etc... But it is what it is. So, Laura is on the phone with the lady at Mary's and she writes down a number, all of a sudden, she puts her hand over the receiver...and tells me that one particular dress it's being discounted. When she told me how much it was discounted...I flipped out. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS OFF!!!!!!! FTW!!!!

I'm so pumped. I couldn't even handle it. I called my dad to see if he could donate to my downpayment. And he DID. AND I LOVE HIM. And it will be in on Tuesday. And I will be going to my first fitting next week. =)....I was so excited. Laura asked me if i was about to jump out of my skin. I was trying to figure out if I was going to....I was getting super stoked by the minute. I changed out of the dress I was in, and i flipped out. I suggested that any girls there under 18 cover their ears-it was about to get REAL EXPLETIVE-Y. ...

I believe my words were somewhere along the lines of...."HOLY CRAAAAAAAAP I JUST FOUND MY DRESS! I got my fucking dress...holy shittttttttttt that's fucking awesomeeee!!!! SO FUCKING PUMPEDDDDDDD!!!!!!" I jumped up and down. repeatedly. and air punched. 'Cuz I was pumped.

Everytime I close my eyes, I see it. I envision if I'm going to get a short satin skirt to add it it so I can party my fanny off later in the evening, but still have my"dress".

I feel like a weight has been lifted. Now that the dress is coming,it is starting to feel very real. I have Jacques, sure...but now I have a DRESS. I know about centerpieces, I know about music,(mostly)...everythnig will be MUCHHHHH easier. For real.

I can't even tell you how much more PsYcHeD I am right now.


1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. I KNEW you had the "Fist Pump" in you somewhere.
